European Logistics
Le réseau primé d'opérateurs de qualité de Pall-Ex collabore pour fournir des services de distribution de fret de premier plan à travers le monde.
As one of the most trusted European pallet freight networks, we offer international franchise opportunities to our exclusive distribution network.
This opportunity gives members access to a wide range of benefits including access to a team of over 7,500 vehicles, 600 recruited sub-licensees, and our advanced Pall-Ex IT system, Nexus. This along with the backing of the Pall-Ex name gives members the tools they need to provide incredible service and international pallet delivery.

Our Networks
Le réseau primé d'opérateurs de qualité de Pall-Ex collabore pour fournir des services de distribution de fret de premier plan à travers le monde.
Our distribution and warehousing network covers the entirety of Europe with a unique hub-to-hub scheme that benefits the freight forwarding and 3PL franchise.
Pall-Ex currently has thriving master licensee networks across numerous countries, including Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Romania, Ireland, Czechia and Slovakia with first-class distribution network operators at the helm.

Global Reach
Advanced IT solutions
Notre technologie innovante et leader sur le marché soutiendra notre offre de services et nous aidera à construire un réseau solide ainsi qu'à gagner de nouveaux clients et à fidéliser les clients existants. Nous sommes déterminés à aller de l'avant et à offrir constamment des normes de service plus élevées que le reste du secteur.

Les dernières nouvelles de Pall-Ex :
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from Pall-Ex; a premier European pallet freight network. We keep our fingers on the pulse of international franchise opportunity, freight forwarding franchising, global logistics trends, and more to keep ahead of the curve.