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Pall-Ex Group Franchisee Model

International Palletised
Freight Network

Join our global, express freight, palletised logistics network. International network master licensee opportunities available.

Pall-Ex Group
Pall-Ex Group - Global Palletised Freight
Pal-Ex Romania - Vehicle





Pall-Ex UK - B2C deliveries

European Logistics

Ocenená sieť kvalitných operátorov spoločnosti Pall-Ex spolupracuje na poskytovaní popredných služieb nákladnej distribúcie po celom svete.

As one of the most trusted European pallet freight networks, we offer international franchise opportunities to our exclusive distribution network.


This opportunity gives members access to a wide range of benefits including access to a team of over 7,500 vehicles, 600 recruited sub-licensees, and our advanced Pall-Ex IT system, Nexus. This along with the backing of the Pall-Ex name gives members the tools they need to provide incredible service and international pallet delivery.

Pall-Ex Group
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Our Networks

Ocenená sieť kvalitných operátorov spoločnosti Pall-Ex spolupracuje na poskytovaní popredných služieb nákladnej distribúcie po celom svete.

Our distribution and warehousing network covers the entirety of Europe with a unique hub-to-hub scheme that benefits the freight forwarding and 3PL franchise.


Pall-Ex currently has thriving master licensee networks across numerous countries, including Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Romania, Ireland, Czechia and Slovakia with first-class distribution network operators at the helm.

Nexus Dashboard

Global Reach

Advanced IT solutions

Naša špičková inovatívna technológia podporí našu ponuku služieb a pomôže nám vybudovať silnú sieť, získať nových a udržať si existujúcich zákazníkov. Sme odhodlaní napredovať a neustále poskytovať vyššie štandardy služieb ako vo zvyšku sektoru.


Najnovšie správy spoločnosti Pall-Ex :

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from Pall-Ex; a premier European pallet freight network. We keep our fingers on the pulse of international franchise opportunity, freight forwarding franchising, global logistics trends, and more to keep ahead of the curve.

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